Navigating a business through today’s volatile geopolitical landscape presents significant challenges. Daily operations are often unpredictable, and rapidly evolving factors such as political unrest, economic instability, global crises, and environmental issues compound the complexity of leading teams and managing operations effectively.

To address these challenges, leaders must adopt a proactive approach to risk management. By leveraging real-time data, comprehensive analysis, and actionable insights, organizations can make better decisions that not only mitigate potential risks but also identify opportunities for growth and success, even in the face of uncertainty and adversity.

Proactive Risk Management and the Power of Augmented Analytics

When it comes to risk management, augmented analytics can be a massive asset. While most organizations have security experts in-house, they may not have data intelligence expertise, or be knowledgeable on the ins and outs of augmented analytics. This is when it is best to partner with a third-party vendor who can deliver trusted data and analytics – increasing an internal team’s bandwidth and skill set with zero downtime. Seerist is one such partner. Seerist specializes in augmented analytics. This is something that goes beyond basic analysis and combines innovative technologies like artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) with human expertise to unlock deeper insights from vast datasets.

Seerist fuses the best of both machines and humans. Technologies have the ability to scan and sort data at speeds that humans are simply not capable of. And humans have real-world expertise and on-the-ground knowledge that can add invaluable context and nuance to data. Together they make a powerful team. AI and ML excel at uncovering trends, correlations, and patterns that are often overlooked in manual analysis. However, human analysts bring unmatched expertise in applying contextual understanding and domain-specific knowledge to these AI-driven insights, transforming them into actionable and highly valuable outcomes.

Unlocking Insights

Seerist’s system, leveraging the power of machines and humans working together, offers countless benefits to organizations. For example:

  • Scenario Planning and Risk Forecasting: Enables organizations to anticipate potential risk events and assess their likely impacts of business.
  • Early Warning Systems and Proactive Response: Businesses are able to detect early signs of threats, whether they are geopolitical, economic, or operational, allowing swift action to be taken.
  • Data-Driven Decision Making: Risk intelligence that includes augmented analytics provides reliable, data-backed insights that enable organizations to make confident strategic decisions.

Effective risk intelligence begins with a thorough risk assessment. These assessments allow businesses to understand their vulnerabilities and manage business risks more effectively. By analyzing risk data, organizations can take proactive measures to safeguard their operations, bolster physical security, and implement informed strategies that mitigate threats before they materialize. Whether it’s evaluating supply chain challenges or addressing emerging threats in global markets, comprehensive risk assessments are cornerstones of resilience.

Real World Applications: Putting Risk Intelligence into Action

Seerist: Enabling executives and employees travel without fear

Sapura Energy operates globally as an integrated energy services and solutions provider. From exploration to rejuvenation, Sapura covers the entire upstream value chain, including renewables. The Sapura Energy security team is responsible for managing country security risks, ensuring travel security, and conducting investigations for all its employees. However, the extensive level of travel being done by so many employees made it difficult for the security team to stay up to date on activities, events, and political landscapes across all countries of interest. This challenge was particularly pronounced in regions with unstable conditions, such as Congo, Myanmar, Papua New Guinea, and Ivory Coast. The team was relying on Google searches and local contacts as main information sources, which hindered their ability to attain a consistent, robust and reliable level of intelligence.

To better project its people, Sapura Energy partnered with Seerist to offset the manual searching and provide the timely, robust, and accurate information they needed. Now, thanks to Seerist, the Sapura Energy security team is accessing extensive analysis, leveraging the open-source intelligence data from reliable sources, as well as benefiting from maritime content. Thanks to Seerist’s AI-generated event alerts, Sapura Energy receives timely updates on political stability, such as potential successors in areas with political unrest, such as Angola, or local crimes like oil theft in African countries. People are now protected and informed before they travel and are alerted to potential threats well in advance.

Seerist: Saving Lives

On December 31, 2021, Seerist’s PulseAI stability score alerted users that stability in Kazakhstan started to drop. This shift was in response to increased chatter regarding the government’s decision to end fuel price caps. Organizations using Seerist saw this as an indicator that there could be major impacts to their people and operations related to threat vulnerability and risk. This assumption was found to be true as on January 2nd, protests began. This information was also delivered via Seerist, giving the opportunity to put safety plans into place, as a PulseAI notification of dropping stability corresponded with a human-derived alert verifying the size, scale, and impact of the protests.

On January 4th, despite the fact that the government pledged to bring back fuel price caps, PulseAI alerted users to continued unrest. On top of that, four Hotspots – ML-driven indicators of abnormal activity – were triggered in multiple parts of the country.

Leveraging this intelligence and analysis, an organization using the Seerist platform was able to stay ahead of the crisis and help its people get out of Kazakhstan four days before deadly protests, which occurred on January 4, 2022. A declaration of a State of Emergency wasn’t even called until January 5th. Had the organizations not had these 96 hours to make the right preparations and arrangements, thousands of people could have been trapped, injured, or even killed.

The Seerist Advantage

There is no shortage of threat and risk mitigation strategies and experts. Seerist stands out thanks to its ability to analyze and integrate data from a vast range of open-source intelligence. Seerist’s comprehensive solution is globally distributed intelligence team provides exceptional value by ensuring that events are rigorously vetted and highly relevant, while their analysts deliver actionable insights through comprehensive analysis.

The offering itself is extremely user-friendly, ensuring that security teams and other decision makers within an organization can begin using Seerist with confidence. From compelling visuals to charts and graphs that present data in varying ways, to real-time hotspots that reveal updates in activities and events as they happen, Seerist covers all of the bases to help organizations stay ahead of emerging risks, anticipate threats and incidents, and make data-driven decisions.

If your organization is struggling with managing its security needs or is falling short in proactive risk management, partnering with a vendor may be a pivotal business strategy. Working with Seerist can provide immediate benefits, such as alleviating hours of busy work and eradicating alert fatigue from security teams so they can begin offering more strategic input and advice and supporting leaders with improved risk management and informed decision-making. Interested in learning just how Seerist can fit into your organization? Let’s set up a call.


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