The Seerist solution is designed to give risk and threat intelligence professionals access to critical insights and expert analysis for threat analysis and risk assessment. This empowers them to better forecast and strategize for a rapidly evolving threat landscape. Each day, our platform impacts the strategic decisions leaders make and helps to protect people, assets, and organizations across the globe.

Leveraging the content and data that the solution generates and analyzes daily, coupled with our intelligence team’s expert perspective, we recently released our Q4 2022 Security Verified Event Report, detailing global trends pertaining to terrorism, unrest, terrorism, war, and crime. 

Key insights shared in the report include declining terrorism events, driven by a sustained drop in Islamist terrorism incidents, and increasing unrest driven by economic considerations such as inflation, cost of living, and fuel prices. The report also reveals the top 10 countries for war, terrorism, crime, and unrest events, as well as what the security industry and C-suite leaders should keep in mind as we progress further into Q1 2023 and beyond. 

Download the full report

Seerist: Your Trusted Partner in Threat Analysis and Risk Assessment

Seerist’s augmented analytics solution combines AI, machine learning, and expert human analysis to deliver trustworthy threat intelligence. By automating the collection of global data, capturing various shifts and swings, and filtering out the noise, Seerist provides valuable insights. These insights are seamlessly integrated into a user-friendly dashboard, ensuring swift and dependable decision-making in crucial moments.

Book a demo to see Seerist’s threat intelligence tools in action or follow us on LinkedIn to learn more about how Seerist helps you stay ahead of the curve.


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