Why the CFO – Yes, the CFO – Should Focus on Security

Risk assessment and prevention is right in the finance chief’s wheelhouse. Here’s how to make sure you’re avoiding unexpected costs and damage in a volatile world. From political and social unrest that results in deadly combat to a climate crisis that delivers increasingly punishing weather events, the world is becoming less predictable. Ever-changing scenarios are pure anathema to CFOs, as these individuals are required to plan for the future. And planning for the unknown can be a tricky, and often daunting, task. Careful investments in security spending, however, can help navigate a path forward and avoid pitfalls that could torpedo a company’s trajectory. When a chief financial officer hears the word “security,” their gut response might be: “That’s the security chief’s job.” And while most organizations do have security departments, it does not mean the CFO should remain in a silo. In fact, CFOs should be a key influence in this space.

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The Balancing Act: Speed vs. Accuracy in Decision Making

Explore the intricate balance between speed and accuracy in security intelligence. Learn how analysts can navigate the pressure for rapid insights without compromising on the quality of their assessments. Discover strategies for leveraging technology, prioritizing tasks, and maintaining stakeholder trust in high-stakes situations.

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